2023 Viking Season Highlights

The 2023 Viking season is over for us. We have been on 2 markets over the last couple of months and we have had a variety of weather.
Als Viking Market

Als market was in the middle of June this time, lasts 2 days, a weekend and it was hot as hell. We had a drought here in June and temperatures above 30 degrees Celsius. So our tent was hot the entire day. The only benefit was the shadow it provided.
The drought also came with a "no fire" ruling, so we couldn't have any camp fires in the evening. Which was fine, honestly.

This market we joined with the fighters from RIPA, which is always a great time and this was no different. They are great people and really nice friends.
Can't wait until we see Als again next year!
Moesgaard Viking Days

This year, Moesgaard was a bit different than last year. This year we where places directly on the beach. We where all there all four days and we had mixed weather during these days.

The first two days where really good days. Our spirits where high and the weather was great. Sunny and pretty hot. I even got my first sunburn in years during these two days.

These where also the days where most guests where at our "activity". We are at Moesgaard as part of the Hunter/Hunting experience, where we help the hunter slaughter and cook taste bites from the animals.

We had a small variety of animals this year. Each day we had 2 deers and 6 pheasants. One day we also had a young stag and 24 ducks.

The last two days the weather turned on us. It got colder, wind increased and we had rain in the afternoons. This ofcourse resulted in less people attending.

Here's a couple of pictures of the area we where camped in.

We had lots of meat during these days.

Late Sunday afternoon, when the market was ending, we where so ready to go home. It was a long four days and we where exausted.
Not sure if we will attend Moesgaard next year. We will see.